Welcome to the Farmbrite API.
You can find out more about Farmbrite at
If you need help, check out our help center at help.farmbrite.com or email us at dev@farmbrite.com.
The Farmbrite API allows authorized users programatic access to their account data in order to facilitate the integration of this data with other systems and service. The API is organized around REST standards. The API uses resource-oriented URLs and returns JSON-encoded responses. It uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
Base URL
Farmbrite offers 2 authentication options for accessing the API both utilizing Personal Access Tokens (PATs) for enabling access to the API.
Access Tokens (API Keys) are associated with an individual user in your account and inherit that user's role and permissions. You can find the Access Token on the user profile page under API Key. When building an integration we recommend setting up a separate API user for the integration and changing the API KEY on a regular basis.
Remember to keep your Access Tokens secret; treat them just like passwords! They act on your behalf when interacting with the API, with the same permissions and access as the user has. Don't hardcode them into your programs. Instead, choose to store them as environment variables.
To make a request to the API include the Authorization Bearer header with your request and include your Access Token (API KEY) as the value. Access Token and API KEY are used interchangeably through out the documentation.
Example cURL request authenticating with Bearer Token authentication
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/tasks \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
Alternatively to using the Bearer Token authorization method, you can provide an API KEY as a header with your request. Use the header api_key
with a value of your Access Token (API KEY).
Example cURL request authenticating with API Key header authentication
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/tasks \
-H "api_key: ACCESS_TOKEN"
Sadly, sometimes requests to the API fail. Failures can occur for a wide range of reasons. In all cases, the API should return an HTTP Status Code indicating the nature of the failure.
Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | Success | The request was successful. If applicable the data it will be available in the data field at the top level of the response body. |
400 | Bad Request | Typically caused by a missing or malformed parameter. Check the documentation and your request and try again. |
401 | Unauthorized | No access token or an invalid access token was provided with the request. The error can also occur if the user or account is invalid or does not have access to this resource. |
403 | Forbidden | The authentication and request syntax was valid but the server is refusing to complete the request. This can happen if you access resources that the user or account does not have access to. |
404 | Not Found | Either the method and path supplied do not specify a known action or the object related to the request does not exist. |
429 | Too Many Requests | You have exceeded one of the rate limits in the API. See the Rate Limits section for more information. |
500 | Internal Server Error | There was a problem on Farmbrite's side which was logged and reported to our technical team. You can retry, but if the problem continues please contact support. |
Details about errors can sometimes also be found in the 'message' property at the root level of the JSON response body.
In order to optimize performance, all list methods in the API will limit the total response data to a certain number of records and return the data in chunks (pages). API responses will include information about the total records available, the current page and total pages. You can request additional pages of data by including the 'page' parameter (below)
For example:
"success": true,
"cached": false,
"message": "",
"total_records": 100,
"current_page": 1,
"limit": 25,
"total_pages": 1,
"data": [{...}]
In order to request additional pages of data you can include the parameters 'page' and 'limit' as part of the list GET request query string parameters. The 'page' parameter indicates which page of data to return and the 'limit' parameter specifies how many record per page. Note: the maximum number of records per page is limited to 100. Defaults to 25 records.
Example cURL request limiting to 100 record and fetching page 2 of the data.
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/tasks?page=2&limit=100 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
List methods will return data in a default sorted order based on our best assumptions about how to organize the data. To request the data in a different order you can include the parameters 'sort_by' and 'sort_dir' as part of the list GET request query string parameters.
Example cURL request limiting to livestock data sorted by type ASC
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/animals?sort_by=type&sort_dir=asc \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
You can filter most list methods to limit the data that is returned. To filter the data, you can include filter url parameters as part of the list GET request query string parameters. The parameter name should be a property of the resource from the collection with a value of the filter rules to apply (see below) and will be ignored if an invalid value is passed.
If you are looking for an exact match you can simply set the value of the parameter equal to what you're matching on, for example:
Format: ?{field}={value}
However, for queries that need comparisons other than simple equals, operators are supported for membership, non-membership, equality, inequality, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal, less-than, and less-than-or-equal-to and like. In order, the operators are "in", "nin", "eq", "ne", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", and "like". Simple equality is the default operation, and is performed as ?field=value. Operators other than simple equality must be followed by a colon (:), i.e., ?{field}={operator}:{value}
Note: If trying to filter by custom fields use this format for the field:
?custom_fields.{custom_field_id}={value} or ?custom_fields.{custom_field_id}={operator}:{value}
Filters can be used in queries compounded with the values they work on and should be URL encoded in the query string. Complex filters can be joined by using additional querystring parameters joined with an ampersand (&)
Example cURL request filtering animals who are female with a color like black would look like
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/animals?gender=Female&coloring=like:black
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
You can also use ranges in filters for data types that support ranges, such as dates and numbers. To do so simply include [and] between the range filters, for example: gte:1[and]lt:200
Example cURL request filtering animals that have a tag number between 1 and 200 and certain birth date range
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/animals?tag_number=gt:1[and]lt:200&birth_date=gte:2018-03-01[and]lt:2022-01-01 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
The complete filtering syntax looks like the following:
Exact match: ?{field}={value}
Filter with operator: ?{field}={operator}:{value}
Range filter: ?{field}={operator_1}:{value_1}[and]{operator_2}:{value_2}
Multiple Filters: ?{field}={value}&{field}={operator}:{value}
Custom Fields: ?custom_fields.{custom_field_id}={value} or ?custom_fields.{custom_field_id}={operator}:{value}
To protect the stability of the API and keep it available to all users, Farmbrite enforces API rate limiting. Requests that hit any of our rate limits will receive a 429 Too Many Requests
response, which contains the standard Retry-After
header indicating how many seconds the client should wait before retrying the request.
Limits are allocated per Access Token / API KEY. As such, different tokens have independent limits. Accounts with access to the Farmbrite API are limited to 120 request per minute per Access Token.
Farmbrite reserves the right to temporarily disable or block any account or Access Token's access to the API should our technology or security teams identify potential risks to the availability or security of the platform as a result of requests made by an account or Access Token.
Livestock (animals) are the basic object that is used to store animal records. A livestock record can represent either a single animal (most common and default) or a set of animals (like a flock of chickens). Note: A set of animals is different than a livestock group, which is used to manage groups of individual animals. Sets are used to keep track of groups of animals where you don't want or need to track each animal individually.
Livestock, like other resources have various embedded or related resources
For example:
Create a new animal record
Animal type/species. You can specify a custom value for this or use one of the default types:
"Alpaca", "Bees", "Bison", "Buffalo", "Butterflies", "Camel", "Cat", "Catfish", "Cattle", "Chicken", "Crickets", "Deer", "Dog", "Donkey", "Duck", "Elk", "Emu", "Fish", "Gayal", "Goat", "Goose", "Guineafowl", "Horse", "Llama", "Mealworms", "Mollusk", "Mule", "Muskox", "Ostrich", "Partridge", "Peafowl", "Pheasant", "Pig", "Pigeon", "Pony", "Quail", "Rabbit", "Reindeer", "Rhea", "Salmon", "Sheep", "Shellfish", "Silkworms", "Swine", "Tilapia", "Trout", "Turkey", "Water buffalo", "Waxworms", "Yak", "Zebu"
The status of the animal or livestock set. Supported values are any of the following:
"Active", "Butchered", "Culled", "Deceased", "Dry", "Lactating", "Lost", "Off Farm", "Quarantined", "Reference", "Sick", "Sold", "Weaning", "Archived"
When setting the status to "Butchered", "Culled", "Deceased",
you must also provide a death_date. And when setting the status to "Sold"
a sold_date
is required.
The name or primary identifier for the animal (eg; tag number)
tag_number OPTIONAL
Animal's primary tag number
is_group OPTIONAL
Specifies if this record is a livestock set used to track multiple animals, without recording data for each animal. Defaulted to false.
If setting to true
, you should also set a group_qty
which stores the initial count of the animals in your set.
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
Sex/gender of the animal. Possible values are Male
or Female
bred_status OPTIONAL
The current breeding status for a female animal. Supported values are any of the following:
"Open", "Exposed", "Pregnant"
When setting bred_status
to a value other than Open
, it's recommend to set the bred_date
value to the date exposed.
mother_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite unique ID for the animal's mother
father_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite unique ID for the animal's father
The numeric value of animals current weight in either pounds or kilograms (depending on your account settings). When creating a new record this will create a measurement record for the animal.
harvest_unit OPTIONAL
The unit used to record harvests for this animal. Supported values are:
"Bales", "Barrels", "Bunches", "Bushels", "Dozen", "Fluid Ounces", "Gallons", "Grams", "Head", "Kilograms", "Kiloliter", "Liter", "Milliliter", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Quantity", "Quarts", "Tonnes", "Tons"
The default is to store harvests as Quantity
birth_date OPTIONAL
Birth date - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
birth_weight OPTIONAL
Numeric value of weight at birth
bred_date OPTIONAL
Date of last breeding or exposure, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
Breed of the animal
breeding_stock OPTIONAL
Boolean value to allow filter to identify animals that are prime breeding stock
coloring OPTIONAL
Description of animal color, markings, etc.
condition_score OPTIONAL
Numeric value used to track body condition score or breed specific scores. Often used for identifying key breeding candidates or for culling. When set, this will create a measurement record for the animal.
death_date OPTIONAL
Date deceased or culled. Required when setting the status to "Butchered", "Culled", "Deceased"
- formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
deceased_reason OPTIONAL
Text description for the cause of death.
description OPTIONAL
Text description of animal
harvest_label OPTIONAL
Custom label to be used when displaying harvests. For example if harvesting Eggs as Quantity, you may want to set a harvest_label
to "eggs"
to show that in harvest reports.
is_neutered OPTIONAL
Boolean value to indicate if the animal is neutered / intact or not.
keywords OPTIONAL
A comma delimited string of labels used to easily search for or identify animals.
market_price OPTIONAL
The default numeric value used when creating new yield record used to calculate the potential harvest revenue based on harvest amounts.
on_feed OPTIONAL
Boolean value used to identify and filter animals that are on feed for medical or finishing reasons.
other_tag_number OPTIONAL
Additional tag number to be stored. Can be any string.
purchased OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating that the animal was purchased. If set to true,
then donated
is automatically set to false
donated OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating that the animal was gifted or donated. If set to true,
then purchased
is automatically set to false
purchase_date OPTIONAL
Date of animal purchase (if applicable) - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
purchase_price OPTIONAL
Numeric value of amount paid for animal, if purchased.
purchased_from_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite contact unique id that the animal was purchased from (if applicable)
donated_date OPTIONAL
Date of animal dontaed (if applicable) - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
donated_value OPTIONAL
Numeric value of estimated value of the animal that was donated, if donated.
acquired_from_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite contact unique id that the animal was dontated or gifted from (if applicable)
registry_number OPTIONAL
String value to store additional tag or registry identification number(s)
retention_score OPTIONAL
Numeric value often used to help flag specific animals for potential culling. Useful to filter animals that might be culled.
sale_date OPTIONAL
Date sold. Required when status
is set to "Sold"
- formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
tag_color OPTIONAL
The color (name or hex string) of the tag number
internal_id OPTIONAL
An internal ID that can be used to identify the animal in addition to the Farmbrite ID and/or other tag numbers.
A numeric value in inches or centimeter (based on account settings) to store the animal's height. When set will also create a measure record.
mature_weight OPTIONAL
A numeric value in pounds or kilograms for the target weight of the animal when fully mature.
expected_maturity_date OPTIONAL
The date that the animal is expected to be fully mature.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "birth_date": "2022-01-01",
- "birth_weight": 50,
- "bred_date": "",
- "breed": "Test",
- "breeding_status": "Open",
- "breeding_stock": false,
- "coloring": "Black and White",
- "condition_score": 0,
- "death_date": null,
- "deceased_reason": "",
- "description": "API testing cow",
- "father_id": null,
- "gender": "Female",
- "harvest_label": "lbs",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "is_group": false,
- "is_neutered": false,
- "keywords": "cow, breeding stock",
- "market_price": null,
- "mother_id": null,
- "name": "Api Tester",
- "on_feed": false,
- "other_tag_number": null,
- "purchase_date": null,
- "purchase_price": 0,
- "purchased": true,
- "purchased_from_id": null,
- "registry_number": "12345",
- "retention_score": 0,
- "sale_date": null,
- "status": "Active",
- "tag_color": "red",
- "tag_number": "123",
- "type": "Cow",
- "internal_id": "",
- "weight": 500,
- "height": 50,
- "electronic_id": "ADE184901-JKLA"
Be default List Animals will only return active animals. Meaning animals that in a status of "Active", "Dry", "Finishing", "For Sale", "Lactating", "Lost", "Quarantined", "Sick", "Weaning", etc. To return animals of other statuses ("Deceased", "Sold", "Culled", etc) you should supply a filter for the animal status.
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "birth_date": "2018-03-01",
- "birth_weight": 22.7,
- "bred_date": "2021-09-28",
- "breed": "Lucky",
- "breeder_id": null,
- "breeding_status": "Exposed",
- "breeding_stock": false,
- "coloring": "Black and White",
- "condition_score": 7,
- "contact_id": "Contact ID",
- "created_at": "2015-12-20 20:19:11",
- "death_date": null,
- "deceased_reason": "",
- "description": "",
- "electronic_id": "",
- "estimated_value": 1975.55,
- "father_id": "Father ID",
- "feed": "",
- "gender": "Female",
- "group_id": "Basic Group ID",
- "group_qty": null,
- "harvest_label": "Pounds",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "height": 50,
- "internal_id": "",
- "is_group": false,
- "is_neutered": false,
- "keywords": "",
- "market_price": 3.5,
- "measurement_date": null,
- "mother_id": null,
- "name": "API Cow",
- "on_feed": false,
- "other_tag_number": "USDA tag",
- "purchase_date": "2018-08-01",
- "purchase_price": 27,
- "purchased": true,
- "purchased_from_id": "Contact ID",
- "registry_number": "",
- "retention_score": 7,
- "sale_date": null,
- "sale_price": null,
- "sold_to": null,
- "status": "Active",
- "tag_color": "cyan",
- "tag_number": "157",
- "type": "Cow",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-18 21:10:57",
- "weight": 1600
animal_id required | string Example: {{animal_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "birth_date": "2018-03-01",
- "birth_weight": 22.7,
- "bred_date": "2021-09-28",
- "breed": "Lucky",
- "breeder_id": null,
- "breeding_status": "Exposed",
- "breeding_stock": false,
- "coloring": "Black and White",
- "condition_score": 7,
- "contact_id": "Contact ID",
- "created_at": "2015-12-20 20:19:11",
- "death_date": null,
- "deceased_reason": "",
- "description": "",
- "electronic_id": "",
- "estimated_value": 1975.55,
- "father_id": "Father ID",
- "feed": "",
- "gender": "Female",
- "group_id": "Basic Group ID",
- "group_qty": null,
- "harvest_label": "Pounds",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "height": 50,
- "internal_id": "",
- "is_group": false,
- "is_neutered": false,
- "keywords": "",
- "market_price": 3.5,
- "measurement_date": null,
- "mother_id": null,
- "name": "API Cow",
- "on_feed": false,
- "other_tag_number": "USDA tag",
- "purchase_date": "2018-08-01",
- "purchase_price": 27,
- "purchased": true,
- "purchased_from_id": "Contact ID",
- "registry_number": "",
- "retention_score": 7,
- "sale_date": null,
- "sale_price": null,
- "sold_to": null,
- "status": "Active",
- "tag_color": "cyan",
- "tag_number": "157",
- "type": "Cow",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-18 21:10:57",
- "weight": 1600
Feedings are embedded resources that are used by a variety of core resources. You can access feedings for resources:
To create or access feedings for a record, simply append '/feedings' to the end of the resource path. For example: [GET] /animals/:animal_id/feedings will fetch the records for the animal (based on the id provided).
Create a feeding record
Numeric value representing the amount fed in the unit provided or a compatible unit of the inventory type (if supplying an inventory_id
Cost of feeding, this will be automatically calculated if supplying an inventory_id
The date of the feeding. Defaults to today - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
description OPTIONAL
Description of the feeding
inventory_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite ID for the inventory record to associate with this feeding. If supplied Farmbrite will try to deduct the amount of the feeding from the inventory.
inventory_location_id OPTIONAL
The location of the inventory to use. Required when supplying an inventory_id
The unit of the feeding. If supplying an inventory_id
this must be compatible with the inventory units. Support values are:
"Quantity", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Tons", "Grams", "Kilograms", "Tonnes"
per_head OPTIONAL
Boolean value used when creating a feeding for a livestock group. If true
will create a duplicate feeding for each animal in the group using the values you provide. If set to false
will split the amount evenly across each animal in the group.
Defaults to false
resource_name required | string animals or livestock_groups |
resource_id required | string animal id or livestock group id |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "amount": 100,
- "cost": 200,
- "date": "2022-03-20",
- "description": "API Feeding",
- "inventory_id": "Inventory ID",
- "inventory_location_id": "Inventory Location ID",
- "unit": "pounds",
- "per_head": false
resource_name required | string animals or livestock_groups |
resource_id required | string animal id or livestock group id |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 100,
- "animal_count": null,
- "cost": 200,
- "created_at": "2022-03-09 23:23:44",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-03-09",
- "description": "",
- "group_id": null,
- "inventory_amount": 2,
- "inventory_id": "Inventory ID",
- "inventory_location_id": "Inventory Location ID",
- "inventory_lot_id": "Inventory Lot ID",
- "parent_id": null,
- "per_head": null,
- "type": "",
- "unit": "pounds",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-09 23:23:44",
- "weight": 100
resource_name required | string animals or livestock_groups |
resource_id required | string animal id or livestock group id |
feeding_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 100,
- "animal_count": null,
- "cost": 200,
- "created_at": "2022-03-20 19:15:25",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-03-20",
- "description": "API Feeding",
- "group_id": null,
- "inventory_amount": 2,
- "inventory_id": "Inventory ID",
- "inventory_location_id": "Inventory Location ID",
- "inventory_lot_id": "Inventory Lot ID",
- "parent_id": null,
- "per_head": false,
- "type": "50lb Bag Of Feed",
- "unit": "pounds",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-20 19:15:25",
- "weight": 100
resource_name required | string animals or livestock_groups |
resource_id required | string |
feeding_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "amount": 150
Grazing records track the grazing history of animals or livestock groups. You can access grazings for resources:
To move an animal or livestock group to a different grazing location simply append '/grazings' to the end of the resource path. For example: [POST] /animals/:animal_id/grazings to move the animal and create a new grazing record.
When an animal is moved to a new location the prior grazing record will be also automatically updated to indicated the animal left that location.
Move an animal or livestock group grazing location
location_id REQUIRED
The ID of the grow_location
to move the animal or livestock group to
The date of the change in location. Defaults to today.
resource_name required | string animals or livestock_groups |
resource_id required | string animal id or livestock_group id |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "location_id": "Grow Location ID",
- "date": "2022-01-20"
{- "data": [
- {
- "location_id": "Grow Location ID",
- "location_name": "Grow Location Name",
- "days_rested": null,
- "animal_count": 99,
- "rest_days": null,
- "grazing_status": null,
- "avg_days": 45,
- "min_start_date": "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
- "max_start_date": "2023-02-03 00:00:00",
- "last_grazed": null
Livestock groups are a collection of animals, either based on dynamic filters (smart groups), manually added animals (basic groups) or a set of animals (like a flock of chickens). Livestock groups are useful when wanting to easily apply treatments, feedings, notes, grazing movements or other actions across animals in a group.
livestock_group_id required | string Example: {{livestock_group_id}} |
{- "name": "Female Cows",
- "type": "Smart",
- "member_count": 5,
- "id": "GUID",
- "filters": "{..}",
- "records": [
- {
- "id": "Animal ID",
- "birth_date": null,
- "breed": "",
- "gender": "Female",
- "group_qty": null,
- "internal_id": "",
- "is_group": false,
- "is_neutered": false,
- "keywords": "",
- "name": "Fantastic 4",
- "status": "Active",
- "tag_number": "",
- "type": "Cow"
Create a livestock measurement.
condition_score OPTIONAL
Numeric value used to track body condition score or breed specific scores. Often used for identifying key breeding candidates or for culling.
Date of measurement. Defaults to the current date if not provided. - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
famacha OPTIONAL
A numeric value, FAMACHA score typically a value between 1-5 used to track anemia in small ruminants like goats and sheep
A numeric value, fecal egg count (FEC) indicates the number of worm eggs in feces and is used to monitor the worm burden in livestock.
The numeric value of the current height in either inches or centimeters (depending on your account settings).
The numeric value (in either Fahrenheit or centigrade, based on your account settings) of animals temperature at the time of measurement.
The numeric value of animals current weight in either pounds or kilograms (depending on your account settings).
flagged OPTIONAL
A boolean (true or false) value indicating if the measurement requires follow-up.
air_quality_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental Air Quality
appetite_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Appetite Level
area_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental rating for Area Cleanliness
area_moisture_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental rating for Moisture Level
area_temp_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental rating for Temperature
body_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Body Condition
cleanliness_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Cleanliness
ears_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Ear
energy_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Energy Level
eyes_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Eyes
feet_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Feet/Hooves
gi_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Gastrointestinal
handling_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Ease of Handling
heart_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Heart Health
hydration_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Water Consumption
insect_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental rating for Insect Activity
lung_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Lungs Health
mobility_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Mobility
mouth_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Mouth
nose_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Nose
social_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Sociability
strength_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Strength
stress_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Stress Level
teeth_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Teeth
urogenital_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal Urogenital
water_grade OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1-5 for assessment rating of animal environmental rating for Water Cleanliness
animal_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "height": 0,
- "date": "2022-01-01",
- "weight": 500,
- "condition_score": null,
- "fec": null
animal_id required | string Example: {{animal_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "condition_score": null,
- "created_at": "2022-01-14 21:48:19",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-01-14",
- "fec": null,
- "height": null,
- "temp": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-01-14 21:48:19",
- "weight": 1600
animal_id required | string Example: {{animal_id}} |
measurement_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "condition_score": null,
- "created_at": "2022-01-14 21:48:19",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-01-14",
- "fec": null,
- "height": null,
- "temp": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-01-14 21:48:19",
- "weight": 1600
animal_id required | string |
measurement_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "weight": 500,
- "condition_score": 4
Climate Gauges are used to track the location of climate and enviromental data recorded (Climate Logs). Each gauage can represent a physical or logcial area of your propery where you want to track climate data.
Create a climate gauge
description OPTIONAL
A note or summary for the gauge
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
latitude OPTIONAL
The latitude of gauge location
longitude OPTIONAL
The latitude of gauge location
The name or title for the gauge
place_id OPTIONAL
The map location ID (animal enclosure, building, etc) that the gauge is located
plot_id OPTIONAL
The plot or grow location ID that the gauge is located
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "name": "Greenhouse Gauge",
- "description": "Temperature and humidity gauge for greenhouse",
- "electronic_id": "",
- "latitude": 90,
- "longitude": 0,
- "plot_id": "Farmbrite Grow locaiton ID"
{- "success": true,
- "cached": false,
- "message": "",
- "total_records": 1,
- "current_page": 1,
- "limit": 25,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "Gauge ID",
- "created_at": "2023-03-17 21:39:58",
- "description": "",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "name": "Sensor 1A",
- "place_id": null,
- "plot_id": "Plot ID",
- "updated_at": "2023-03-17 21:39:58"
{- "id": "Gauge ID",
- "created_at": "2023-03-17 21:39:58",
- "description": "",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "name": "Sensor 1A",
- "place_id": null,
- "plot_id": "Plot ID",
- "updated_at": "2023-03-17 21:39:58"
Climate Logs allow you to capture climate and enviromental data about areas of your farm. Each Climate Log can be associated with a Gauge ID the record the specific location of the measurement.
Create a climate log record
Numeric value for CO2 level measured
The date the note was captured. Defaults to today.
description OPTIONAL
A note or summary for the measurement, if applicable
gauge_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite Climate Gauge ID that this measurement is associated with. If not provided the Climate Log is assume to be a general measurement for your location.
humidity OPTIONAL
Numeric value for humidity level measured
light_level OPTIONAL
Numeric value for light_level (lux/lumens) level measured
moisture OPTIONAL
Numeric value for moisture level measured
Numeric value for precipitation level measured
soil_temp OPTIONAL
Numeric value for soil temperature level measured
Numeric value for air temperature level measured
min_temp OPTIONAL
Numeric value for minimum temperature measured
max_temp OPTIONAL
Numeric value for maximum temperature measured
Numeric value for wind speed level measured typically in mph or mps
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "co2": null,
- "date": "2023-03-17",
- "description": "logged",
- "gauge_id": "Farmbrite Gauge ID",
- "humidity": null,
- "light_level": null,
- "moisture": null,
- "prcp": 5,
- "soil_temp": null,
- "temp": 30,
- "wind": null
{- "success": true,
- "cached": false,
- "message": "",
- "total_records": 7,
- "current_page": 1,
- "limit": 25,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "co2": null,
- "created_at": "2023-03-17 21:56:36",
- "created_by": null,
- "created_by_id": null,
- "date": "2023-03-17",
- "description": "logged",
- "gauge_id": "Guage ID",
- "humidity": null,
- "light_level": null,
- "moisture": null,
- "prcp": 5,
- "soil_temp": null,
- "temp": 30,
- "updated_at": "2023-03-17 21:56:36",
- "wind": 3
{- "id": "GUID",
- "co2": null,
- "created_at": "2023-03-17 21:56:36",
- "created_by": null,
- "created_by_id": null,
- "date": "2023-03-17",
- "description": "logged",
- "gauge_id": "Guage ID",
- "humidity": null,
- "light_level": null,
- "moisture": null,
- "prcp": 5,
- "soil_temp": null,
- "temp": 30,
- "updated_at": "2023-03-17 21:56:36",
- "wind": null
A contact is any person or company that you want to track in the system. They can be linked to various other resources like livestock and orders.
Create a contact
first_name OPTIONAL
The first name of the contact
"last_name** OPTIONAL
The last name of the contact
"type** OPTIONAL
An enum value representing the contact type. Supported options are:
'Auditor', 'Breeder', 'Buyer', 'Certifier', 'Contact', 'Consultant', 'Contractor', 'Customer', 'Donor', 'Employee', 'Purchaser', 'Supplier', 'Vendor', 'Veterinarian', 'Wholesale Customer'
"email** OPTIONAL
A properly formatted email address for the contact
"label** OPTIONAL
A string label or tag used to easily search for similar contact
"phone** OPTIONAL
Primary phone number
"cell** OPTIONAL
Mobile phone number
Fax phone number
"company** OPTIONAL
Name of the company that the contact works for
"description** OPTIONAL
A text description or summary of the contact
"address** OPTIONAL
Address information. Should be provided as follows, using the 2 character ISO country code:
"address": {
"country": "us",
"street": "PO Box 123",
"city": "Boulder",
"state": "CO",
"postal": "80301"
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "type": "Contact",
- "first_name": "Bob",
- "last_name": "Surname",
- "email": "email@email.com",
- "label": "",
- "phone": "5558675309",
- "cell": null,
- "fax": null,
- "company": "",
- "description": "",
- "address": {
- "country": "us",
- "street": "PO Box 123",
- "city": "Boulder",
- "state": "CO",
- "postal": "80301"
{- "success": true,
- "cached": false,
- "message": "",
- "total_records": 117,
- "current_page": 1,
- "limit": 25,
- "total_pages": 5,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "cell": null,
- "company": "Farmbrite",
- "created_at": "2018-05-17 00:05:08",
- "description": "",
- "do_not_mail": false,
- "email": "hello@farmbrite.com",
- "fax": null,
- "first_name": "Bob",
- "label": "",
- "last_name": "Jones",
- "phone": "8675309",
- "type": "Contact",
- "updated_at": "2021-08-06 17:46:10"
contact_id required | string Example: {{contact_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "cell": null,
- "company": "Farmbrite",
- "created_at": "2018-05-17 00:05:08",
- "description": "",
- "do_not_mail": false,
- "email": "hello@farmbrite.com",
- "fax": null,
- "first_name": "Bob",
- "label": "",
- "last_name": "Jones",
- "phone": "8675309",
- "type": "Contact",
- "updated_at": "2021-08-06 17:46:10",
- "address": {
- "city": "Boulder",
- "country": "us",
- "postal": "80301",
- "state": "CO",
- "street": "123 Main St."
contact_id required | string Example: {{contact_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "first_name": "Robert",
- "company": "Acme Co."
Plant types represent the basic details of your crops, including the type of plant, variety and default configuration details for plantings that you create from this type of plant through the Farmbrite app / UI.
Create a plant type
Type of plant/crop. For example; Carrot, Tomato, Hops, Corn, etc
days_to_maturity OPTIONAL
Numeric value for days to maturity (DTM). For direct sow plantings this is the days from planting to harvest, for transplants it's the days from planting in the ground to harvest.
spacing OPTIONAL
Inches/Centimeter (based on account setting) spacing between plants
row_spacing OPTIONAL
Inches/Centimeter (based on account setting) spacing between rows
description OPTIONAL
Text description of the plant type
harvest_unit OPTIONAL
The unit used to record harvests for this plant type. Supported values are any of the following:
"Bales", "Barrels", "Bunches", "Bushels", "Dozen", "Fluid Ounces", "Gallons", "Grams", "Head", "Kilograms", "Kiloliter", "Liter", "Milliliter", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Quantity", "Quarts", "Tonnes", "Tons"
The default is to store harvests as Quantity
is_perennial OPTIONAL
Boolean value for if plant type if perennial or not. Defaults to false
market_price OPTIONAL
Estimated / average market value for each harvest unit. Used to estimate harvest revenues.
planting_method OPTIONAL
Default planting method. Supported options are:
"Direct Sow", "Start in Trays, Transplant in Ground", "Transplant", "Container", "Root Stock", "Bulbs", "Grafting","Other"
seed_company OPTIONAL
Default seed company to be set for each new planting created from this plant type.
variety OPTIONAL
Plant variety, for example: Beef master, Russet, etc.
weeks_before_frost OPTIONAL
The number of weeks before the last frost that seeds should be started in trays or direct sown (depending on planting method)
days_to_emerge OPTIONAL
How many days (numeric value) for the plant to germinate on average
How many days (numeric value) for the plant to flower on average
loss_rate OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 0-100 that represents the estimated percent of plants lost from seed to harvest. This is used when calculating estimated yields.
internal_id OPTIONAL
Custom text for internal ID used to identify the plant type
light_profile OPTIONAL
Ideal light profile for plant type. Supported options are:
"Full Sun", "Full to Part Sun", "Partial Sun", "Sun to Part Shade", "Partial Shade", "Full Shade"
soil_conditions OPTIONAL
Ideal soil conditions for plant type. Supported options are:
"Chalky", "Clay", "Loamy", "Peaty", "Sandy", "Silty"
planting_depth OPTIONAL
Text describing planting depth for seeds. For example 3/4" or 1-2 inches.
direct_sow OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating if plant type is direct sow or not.
start_indoors OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating if plant type should be started indoors or not.
yield_per_100_ft OPTIONAL
The average or expected yield (in harvest units) per 100 foot of plantings. This is used to estimate the expected yield for a planting when planting in beds.
yield_per_area OPTIONAL
The average or expected yield (in harvest units) per Acre/Hectare (based on account setting). This is used to estimate the expected yield for a planting when planting by area, not in a bed.
botanical_name OPTIONAL
Scientific / botanical name of the plant type.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "days_to_maturity": 20,
- "description": "",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "is_perennial": false,
- "market_price": 4,
- "planting_method": "Direct Sow",
- "seed_company": "",
- "spacing": 2,
- "type": "Plant Type",
- "variety": "Variety",
- "weeks_before_frost": 4,
- "days_to_emerge": 30,
- "internal_id": "Custom ID",
- "light_profile": "Full Sun",
- "planting_depth": "1/2 an inch",
- "row_spacing": 6,
- "direct_sow": true,
- "start_indoors": false,
- "yield_per_100_ft": 100,
- "yield_per_area": 30000,
- "botanical_name": "Botanical Name"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "botanical_name": "",
- "created_at": "2017-01-15 16:28:15",
- "days_to_emerge": 30,
- "days_to_maturity": 60,
- "description": "",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "harvest_window": 90,
- "internal_id": "CARORG",
- "is_perennial": false,
- "light_profile": "",
- "loss_rate": 25,
- "market_price": 3.5,
- "planting_depth": "1",
- "planting_method": "Direct Sow",
- "row_spacing": 1.5,
- "spacing": 1,
- "type": "Carrot",
- "type_key": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-04-27 16:16:03",
- "variety": "Orange",
- "weeks_before_frost": 10,
- "yield_per_100_ft": 100,
- "yield_per_area": 30000
{- "id": "GUID",
- "botanical_name": "",
- "created_at": "2017-01-15 16:28:15",
- "days_to_emerge": 30,
- "days_to_maturity": 60,
- "description": "",
- "harvest_unit": "pounds",
- "harvest_window": 90,
- "internal_id": "CARORG",
- "is_perennial": false,
- "light_profile": "",
- "loss_rate": 25,
- "market_price": 3.5,
- "planting_depth": "1",
- "planting_method": "Direct Sow",
- "row_spacing": 1.5,
- "spacing": 1,
- "type": "Carrot",
- "type_key": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-04-27 16:16:03",
- "variety": "Orange",
- "weeks_before_frost": 10,
- "yield_per_100_ft": 100,
- "yield_per_area": 30000
Plantings store all the details about your plantings, including the plant type, the grow location, spacing, harvest details and more. You can access plantings directly by using the planting ID or you can access just the plantings for a grow location by treating the plantings as a nested resource for the grow location.
For example, the following request fetches current plantings for a grow location
Example cURL request authenticating with a PAT
curl https://api.farmbrite.com/v1/grow_locations/:location_id/crops \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a planting
plant_id REQUIRED
The Farmbrite unique ID of the plant type
plot_id REQUIRED
The Farmbrite unique ID of the grow location
The Farmbrite unique ID of the bed. Required if planting in beds
planting_method OPTIONAL
Planting method. Supported options are:
"Direct Sow", "Start in Trays, Transplant in Ground", "Transplant", "Container", "Root Stock", "Bulbs", "Grafting","Other"
The number of plants in this planting
spacing OPTIONAL
Inches/Centimeter (based on account setting) spacing between plants
row_count OPTIONAL
How many rows are planted
row_spacing OPTIONAL
Inches/Centimeter (based on account setting) spacing between rows
planting_length OPTIONAL
The length of the planting in feet or meters (depending on account setting)
date_planted OPTIONAL
Date planted
Estimated or actual cost of planting (depending on how you want to estimate ROI)
date_planned_harvest OPTIONAL
The date planned to harvest
date_seed_started OPTIONAL
The date seeds where / should be started
expected_harvest OPTIONAL
Numeric amount expected to be harvested in the harvest unit of the plant type.
growth_stage OPTIONAL
The current growth stage of the planting. Supported options are:
"Seed Started", "Germination", "Seedling", "Vegetative", "Flowering" , "Ripening"
instructions OPTIONAL
Planting directions or instructions.
lot_number OPTIONAL
Lot number of seed packet
number_of_trays OPTIONAL
The number of trays used for the planting (if planting in trays)
Seed origin, typically found on the seed packet.
seed_company OPTIONAL
Seed company
seed_type OPTIONAL
Seed type. Available options are:
"Conventional", "GMO", "Heirloom", "Hybrid", "Organic"
starts_per_tray OPTIONAL
How many starts per each tray.
tray_ids OPTIONAL
Comma delimited list of tray numbers or ID numbers for the trays containing this planting
rootstock_source OPTIONAL
For rootstock plantings, the source/origin of the roostock
rootstock_source OPTIONAL
For rootstock plantings, the source/origin of the roostock
rootstock_variety OPTIONAL
For rootstock plantings, the variety of the roostock. Available options are:
"Very-dwarf", "Dwarf", "Semi-drawf", "Half-standard", "Semi-standard", "Standard", "Semi-vigorous", "Vigorous"
rootstock_age OPTIONAL
For rootstock plantings, a string value for the age of the rootstock.
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "bed_id": "Bed ID",
- "date_planned_harvest": "2022-02-16",
- "date_planted": "2021-03-10",
- "date_seed_started": "2021-03-10",
- "expected_harvest": 45.42,
- "growth_stage": "Germination",
- "instructions": null,
- "lot_number": "",
- "number_of_trays": 3,
- "origin": "",
- "plant_id": "Plant Type ID",
- "planting_length": 100,
- "planting_method": "Start in Trays, Transplant in Ground",
- "plot_id": "Grow Location ID",
- "qty": 400,
- "row_count": 1,
- "row_spacing": 6,
- "seed_company": "",
- "seed_type": "",
- "spacing": 2,
- "starts_per_tray": 64,
- "tray_ids": "123,456,789"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "bed_id": "Bed ID",
- "count_flowering": null,
- "count_germination": 500,
- "count_ripening": null,
- "count_seed_started": 600,
- "count_seedling": null,
- "count_vegetative": null,
- "created_at": "2021-05-10 14:49:59",
- "date_flowering": null,
- "date_germination": "2022-01-11",
- "date_planned_harvest": "2022-02-16",
- "date_planted": "2021-03-10",
- "date_ripening": null,
- "date_seed_started": "2021-03-10",
- "date_seedling": null,
- "date_vegetative": null,
- "expected_harvest": 45.42,
- "growth_stage": "Germination",
- "instructions": null,
- "lot_number": "",
- "number_of_trays": 3,
- "origin": "",
- "parent_id": null,
- "plant_id": "Plant Type ID",
- "planting_length": 100,
- "planting_method": "Start in Trays, Transplant in Ground",
- "plot_id": "Grow Location ID",
- "qty": 400,
- "row_count": 1,
- "row_spacing": 6,
- "row_spacing_unit": "Inches",
- "seed_company": "",
- "seed_type": "",
- "spacing": 2,
- "spacing_unit": "Inches",
- "starts_per_tray": 64,
- "tray_ids": "123,456,789",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-12 23:15:12"
{- "id": "GUID",
- "bed_id": "Bed ID",
- "count_flowering": null,
- "count_germination": 500,
- "count_ripening": null,
- "count_seed_started": 600,
- "count_seedling": null,
- "count_vegetative": null,
- "created_at": "2021-05-10 14:49:59",
- "date_flowering": null,
- "date_germination": "2022-01-11",
- "date_planned_harvest": "2022-02-16",
- "date_planted": "2021-03-10",
- "date_ripening": null,
- "date_seed_started": "2021-03-10",
- "date_seedling": null,
- "date_vegetative": null,
- "expected_harvest": 45.42,
- "growth_stage": "Germination",
- "instructions": null,
- "lot_number": "",
- "number_of_trays": 3,
- "origin": "",
- "parent_id": null,
- "plant_id": "Plant Type ID",
- "planting_length": 100,
- "planting_method": "Start in Trays, Transplant in Ground",
- "plot_id": "Grow Location ID",
- "qty": 400,
- "row_count": 1,
- "row_spacing": 6,
- "row_spacing_unit": "Inches",
- "seed_company": "",
- "seed_type": "",
- "spacing": 2,
- "spacing_unit": "Inches",
- "starts_per_tray": 64,
- "tray_ids": "123,456,789",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-12 23:15:12"
crop_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "date_planned_harvest": "2022-02-16",
- "date_planted": "2021-03-10",
- "qty": 400,
- "spacing": 3,
- "spacing_unit": "Inches"
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "gallery_id": "Gallery ID",
- "document_file": "Document.pdf",
- "updated_at": "2022-02-04 03:29:15",
- "created_at": "2022-02-04 03:29:15",
Harvests/yields are embedded resources that are used by a variety of different core resources. Specifically you can access treatments for resources:
To create or access harvests for a record, simply append '/treatments' to the end of the resource path. For example: [GET] /animals/:animal_id/harvests will fetch the harvests for this animal.
Create a harvest record
A positive numeric value for the amount harvested (in the harvest unit supplied)
The unit of the harvest. This should match the parent resource harvest_unit.
Date of the harvest, defaults to today
batch_number OPTIONAL
An optional string value representing the batch number for the harvest. Useful if grouping multiple harvests into a single batch for future identification.
description OPTIONAL
Details or summary about the harvest
An optional string grade for the harvest. For example: Prime, AA, Jumbo, etc.
An optional positive numeric value representing the current market value of the harvest. This is used to calculate estimated revenue for the harvest.
trace_number OPTIONAL
An optional string to identify the unique harvest information for traceability. If left blank, the system will automatically generate a trace number when creating a new harvest record.
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "batch_number": null,
- "date": "2022-01-02",
- "description": null,
- "grade": "AA",
- "price": null,
- "qty": 99,
- "unit": "Pounds",
- "trace_number": "867-53-0986753098675309"
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "batch_number": null,
- "created_at": "2022-09-17 19:39:36",
- "created_by": "USER",
- "date": "2022-09-17",
- "description": null,
- "grade": "AA",
- "inventory_added": null,
- "inventory_date": null,
- "inventory_id": null,
- "inventory_lot_id": null,
- "loss_reason": null,
- "price": null,
- "qty": 99,
- "record_type": "crop",
- "record_id": "65a720572ba8ef1844234a99",
- "record_name": "Beets, Funky (100 Acre Woods)",
- "trace_number": "867-53-0986753098675309",
- "unit": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-09-17 19:39:36",
- "yield_rate": null
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
harvest_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "batch_number": null,
- "created_at": "2022-09-17 19:39:36",
- "created_by": "USER",
- "date": "2022-09-17",
- "description": null,
- "grade": "AA",
- "inventory_added": null,
- "inventory_date": null,
- "inventory_id": null,
- "inventory_lot_id": null,
- "loss_reason": null,
- "price": null,
- "qty": 99,
- "record_type": "crop",
- "record_id": "65a720572ba8ef1844234a99",
- "record_name": "Beets, Funky (100 Acre Woods)",
- "trace_number": "867-53-0986753098675309",
- "unit": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-09-17 19:39:36",
- "yield_rate": null
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
harvest_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "qty": 10,
- "grade": "A"
Inventory types are the base objects for tracking inventory. They store the primary record that all inventory history, location details and tracking are associated with.
Create an inventory type
The name or primary label for this type of inventory
The unit that inventory is stored in.
"Bales", "Barrels", "Bunches", "Bushels", "Dozen", "Fluid Ounces", "Gallons", "Grams", "Head", "Kilograms", "Kiloliter", "Liter", "Milliliter", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Quantity", "Quarts", "Tonnes", "Tons"
Defaults to Quantity
alert_amount OPTIONAL
Numeric value that when inventory level goes below will trigger an inventory alert notices in app and to the alert_email
alert_email OPTIONAL
The email address to send inventory alerts to.
days_expires OPTIONAL
Optional numeric value for the number of days that new inventory is valid for storage before triggering an expired inventory alert.
description OPTIONAL
Text description or summary of the inventory type
internal_id OPTIONAL
Custom identification number or SKU used to identify this inventory item
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
product_id OPTIONAL
Optional Farmbrite product ID to allow you to link this inventory type to a product in your shop
track_lots OPTIONAL
Boolean value to indicate if new inventory added should create a new lot number. Defaults to false
Inventory type, variety or other attribute to specify details about this inventory type.
unit_value OPTIONAL
Numeric value used to indicate the approximate value (in your account currency) for each unit of inventory.
unit_weight OPTIONAL
Numeric value for the weight of each inventory item in pounds or kilograms (based on your account settings).
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "alert_amount": 10,
- "alert_email": "user@email.com",
- "days_expires": 90,
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "",
- "name": "Cattle Feed",
- "product_id": "",
- "track_lots": false,
- "type": "Custom Blend",
- "unit": "tons",
- "unit_value": 1000,
- "unit_weight": 100
Add inventory to a warehouse / inventory location. Response returns the details of the inventory adjustment, including lot ID and lot number (if applicable).
The response provide a history record including details about the lot (if applicable) as well as total quantity remaining and the amount remaining for the inventory location (warehouse/bin).
warehouse_id REQUIRED
The Farmbrite warehouse_id
for the warehouse where you are adjusting inventory amounts.
adjustment REQUIRED
A positive numeric value for the amount of inventory to add.
The Farmbrite warehouse_bin_id where you are adjusting inventory amounts (if applicable)
lot_number OPTIONAL
The lot number to add/remove inventory from. If this value is left blank and you are tracking lots for an inventory type a new lot number will be generated when inventory is added if this value is left blank.
description OPTIONAL
A summary of the reason for the inventory change.
The date that the inventory adjustment occurred. Defaults to today.
A string that includes the details about where new inventory was sourced from.
harvest_source_type OPTIONAL
If adding a harvest to inventory, use this property and harvest_source_id
and harvest_id
to link the harvest record to the inventory log. Available options are:
"animal", "crop"
harvest_source_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite record ID (livestock or planting) that the harvest is sourced from. If adding a harvest to inventory, use this property along with harvest_source_type
and harvest_id
to link the harvest record to the inventory log.
harvest_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite harvest_id
to associate this change with. If adding a harvest to inventory, use this property and harvest_source_id
and harvest_source_type
to link the harvest record to the inventory log.
inventory_type_id required | string Example: {{inventory_type_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "warehouse_id": "{{warehouse_id}}",
- "bin_id": null,
- "lot_number": null,
- "description": "Api Adjustment",
- "adjustment": 100,
- "date": "2023-11-01",
- "source": "API",
- "harvest_source_type": null,
- "harvest_source_id": null,
- "harvest_id": null
{- "id": "GUID",
- "created_at": "2023-10-18 04:21:42",
- "date_added": "2022-04-01",
- "harvest_id": null,
- "harvest_source_id": null,
- "harvest_source_type": null,
- "lot_number": "Lot1",
- "original_qty": 100,
- "qty_remaining": 200,
- "source": "API",
- "updated_at": "2023-10-18 04:21:50",
- "total_qty_remaining": 200,
- "location_qty_remaining": 200
Remove inventory from a warehouse / inventory location. Response returns the details of the inventory adjustment, including lot ID and lot number (if applicable).
The response will include quantity details about the lot (if applicable) as well as total quantity remaining and the amount remaining for the inventory location (warehouse/bin).
warehouse_id REQUIRED
The Farmbrite warehouse_id
for the warehouse where you are adjusting inventory amounts.
adjustment REQUIRED
A positive numeric value for the amount of inventory to remove.
The Farmbrite warehouse_bin_id where you are adjusting inventory amounts (if applicable)
lot_number OPTIONAL
The lot number to remove inventory from. If this value is left blank and you are tracking lots for an inventory type a new lot number will be generated when inventory is added if this value is left blank.
description OPTIONAL
A summary of the reason for the inventory change.
The date that the inventory adjustment occurred. Defaults to today.
order_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite order_id
to associate the change in inventory to. Most often used when picking inventory for a specific order.
inventory_type_id required | string Example: {{inventory_type_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "warehouse_id": "{{warehouse_id}}",
- "bin_id": null,
- "lot_number": null,
- "description": "Api Adjustment",
- "adjustment": 50,
- "date": "2022-04-01",
- "order_id": null
{- "id": "GUID",
- "created_at": "2023-10-18 04:21:42",
- "date_added": "2022-04-01",
- "lot_number": "Lot1",
- "original_qty": 100,
- "qty_remaining": 150,
- "updated_at": "2023-10-18 04:27:47",
- "total_qty_remaining": 150,
- "location_qty_remaining": 150
inventory_type_id required | string Example: {{inventory_type_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "alert_amount": 10,
- "alert_email": "user@email.com",
- "created_at": "2022-01-02 00:32:57",
- "days_expires": 90,
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "",
- "name": "Cattle Feed",
- "product_id": "",
- "projected_empty_date": "2025-06-06 00:00:00",
- "track_lots": true,
- "type": "Custom Blend",
- "unit": "tons",
- "unit_value": 1000,
- "unit_weight": "",
- "updated_at": "2022-02-17 15:55:59",
- "qty_remaining": 50
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "alert_amount": 10,
- "alert_email": "user@email.com",
- "created_at": "2022-01-03 00:32:57",
- "days_expires": 90,
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "",
- "name": "Cattle Feed",
- "product_id": "",
- "track_lots": true,
- "type": "Custom Blend",
- "unit": "tons",
- "unit_value": 1000,
- "unit_weight": 50,
- "updated_at": "2022-02-17 15:55:59",
- "qty_remaining": 50
inventory_type_id required | string |
{- "data": [
- {
- "warehouse_id": "GUID",
- "warehouse_name": "Area 51",
- "bin_id": "GUID",
- "bin_internal_id": "A-51",
- "bin_name": "Misc",
- "bin_capacity": 1000,
- "bin_unit": "quantity",
- "qty_remaining": 126
Places represent polygon shapes that are included on your farm map. They can be used to document grow locations, buildings, irrigation, animal enclosures, property boundaries or any other area you want to map. Places can be linked to grow locations, beds and warehouses.
Create a place
The type of place. Standard options are:
Custom options are also allowed
The name or title for this mapped place. Required if not linking to a grow location, bed or warehouse.
map_coords OPTIONAL
A JSON stringified array of polygon / coordinate objects, each including a lat and lng value.
For example:
A numeric value for the square feet of the area being mapped. This is used for calculating planting area if linked to a grow location or bed.
z_index OPTIONAL
A numeric value indicating the z-index or layer position of the mapped polygon.
A hex value for the color of the polygon, including the #.
For example: '#000000'
would be a black polygon.
If blank and specificity a standard place type a default color will be set.
plot_id OPTIONAL
The grow location id this place belongs to if, if applicable. Required if providing a bed id.
The bed id this place belongs to if, if applicable.
warehouse_id OPTIONAL
The warehouse id this place belongs to if, if applicable.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "color": "#000000",
- "map_coords": "[{\"lat\":40.200893095255765,\"lng\":-105.17513049468994},{\"lat\":40.2006964261442,\"lng\":-105.17536652908325},{\"lat\":40.20045468624636,\"lng\":-105.17511976585388},{\"lat\":40.200606285944076,\"lng\":-105.17487300262451}]",
- "sqft": 10968,
- "title": "From API",
- "type": "Animal Enclosure",
- "z_index": 1
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "bed_id": null,
- "color": null,
- "created_at": "2022-04-07 18:44:05",
- "map_coords": "[{\"lat\":40.200893095255765,\"lng\":-105.17513049468994},{\"lat\":40.2006964261442,\"lng\":-105.17536652908325},{\"lat\":40.200606285944076,\"lng\":-105.17487300262451}]",
- "plot_id": null,
- "sqft": 6026,
- "title": "Animal Enclosure",
- "type": "Animal Enclosure",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-07 18:44:05",
- "warehouse_id": null,
- "z_index": 1
{- "id": "PLACE ID",
- "bed_id": null,
- "color": "#000000",
- "created_at": "2022-05-11 22:28:49",
- "map_coords": "[{\"lat\":40.200893095255765,\"lng\":-105.17513049468994},{\"lat\":40.2006964261442,\"lng\":-105.17536652908325},{\"lat\":40.20045468624636,\"lng\":-105.17511976585388},{\"lat\":40.200606285944076,\"lng\":-105.17487300262451}]",
- "plot_id": null,
- "sqft": 10968,
- "title": "From API",
- "type": "Animal Enclosure",
- "updated_at": "2022-05-11 22:29:19",
- "warehouse_id": null,
- "z_index": 1
Notes are embedded resources that are used by a variety of core resources. Specifically you can access notes for resources:
Livestock /animals
Livestock Groups (Create Only) /livestock_groups
Grow Locations /plots
Plant Types /plants
Plantings /crops
Equipment /tools
Inventory Types /inventory_types
To create or access notes for a record, simply append '/notes' to the end of the resource path.
For example: [GET] /animals/:animal_id/notes will fetch the notes for this animal (based on animal id). and [POST] /animals/:animal_id/notes will add a note to this animal.
Create a note
description REQUIRED
The contents of the note that you want to record for the parent resource
The date the note was captured. Defaults to today.
category OPTIONAL
The category for the note. For example, for livestock you might use one of the following categories:
"Breeding", "Deworming", "General", "Grazing"," Grooming", "Injury", "Medication"," Supplement", Vaccination", "Veterinarian", "Other"
keywords OPTIONAL
A comma delimited list of keywords, tags or labels to easily search for similar notes
longitude OPTIONAL
Longitude of the note location
latitude OPTIONAL
Latitude of the note location
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "date": "2023-08-01",
- "description": "Note details",
- "category": "Other",
- "keywords": "test"
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "description": "Note Update"
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "category": "CATEGORY",
- "created_at": "2022-03-10 00:22:51",
- "created_by": "USER",
- "date": "2022-03-10",
- "description": "description",
- "keywords": "",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-03-10 00:22:51"
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
note_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "category": "CATEGORY",
- "created_at": "2022-03-10 00:22:51",
- "created_by": "USER",
- "date": "2022-03-10",
- "description": "description",
- "keywords": "",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-03-10 00:22:51"
Nutrients are embedded resources that are used by a variety of different core resources. Specifically, you can access treatments for resources:
Nutrient records represent both soil amendments (nutrients added) and soil samples - see details in the Create a Nutrient Record section.
To create or access a nutrient record, simply append '/nutrients' to the end of the resource path. For example: [GET] /crops/:id/nutrients will fetch the nutrient records for this planting.
Create a soil sample or amendment record
A string value of the amount applied, for example "1,000 lbs" or "200 gallons"
application_method OPTIONAL
Details about how the amendment was applied, typically one of the following options, but could be a custom value:
"Broadcast", "Compost - Solids", "Compost - Tea", "Granules", "Liquid", "Manure", "Pellets", "Spray", "Other"
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of boron applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
calcium OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of calcium applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of copper applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
The date of the amendment or sample. Defaults to today.
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of iron applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
is_additive OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating is this is an amendment or a soil sample. true
indicates that this is an amendment, false
a soil sample. Defaults to false
latitude OPTIONAL
An optional latitude value for the location of the amendment or sample
longitude OPTIONAL
An optional longitude value for the location of the amendment or sample
magnesium OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of magnesium applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
manganese OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of magnesium applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
nitrogen OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of nitrogen applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
A numeric (float) value for the Ph measured. Typically used with a soil sample.
phosphorus OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of phosphorus applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
potassium OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of potassium applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
product OPTIONAL
Details or name of the product applied, typically used with an amendment.
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of sulfur applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
A positive numeric value indicating the amount of zinc applied or measured (depending on if this is additive or a sample)
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "amount": null,
- "application_method": null,
- "boron": 7,
- "calcium": 6,
- "copper": 8,
- "date": "2022-03-26",
- "is_additive": false,
- "iron": 9,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "magnesium": 4,
- "manganese": 11,
- "nitrogen": 1,
- "ph": 9,
- "phosphorus": 2,
- "potassium": 3,
- "product": null,
- "sulfur": 5,
- "zinc": 10
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": "50 lbs",
- "application_method": "Broadcast",
- "boron": null,
- "calcium": null,
- "copper": null,
- "created_at": "2021-03-27 05:29:23",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2021-03-26",
- "is_additive": true,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "magnesium": null,
- "nitrogen": 50,
- "ph": null,
- "phosphorus": 40,
- "potassium": 30,
- "product": "Compost",
- "sulfur": null,
- "updated_at": "2021-03-27 05:29:23"
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
nutrient_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": "99",
- "application_method": "",
- "boron": 5,
- "calcium": 6,
- "copper": 4,
- "created_at": "2022-09-02 03:38:34",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-09-02",
- "iron": 3,
- "is_additive": true,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "magnesium": 8,
- "manganese": 1,
- "nitrogen": 11,
- "ph": null,
- "phosphorus": 10,
- "potassium": 9,
- "product": "more sutff",
- "sulfur": 7,
- "updated_at": "2022-09-02 03:38:34",
- "zinc": 2
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
nutrient_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "description": "Updated Record"
Photos are embedded resources that are used by a variety of different core resources. Specifically you can access photos for resources:
To create or access photos for a record, simply append '/photos' to the end of the resource path. For example: [GET] /animals/:animal_id/photos will fetch the photos for this animal (based on animal id provided).
Add a photo to a resource.
photo_file REQUIRED
A Base64 encoded string representing a photo file. The following file types are supported:
And the max file size and number of photos attached to a related resource is limited by your plan type.
longitude OPTIONAL
Longitude of the photo location
latitude OPTIONAL
Latitude of the photo location
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "photo_file": "data:image/png;base64,...",
- "longitude": null,
- "latitude": null
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "gallery_id": "Gallery ID",
- "photo_file": "PHOTO.jpg",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-07 23:52:03",
- "created_at": "2022-03-07 23:52:03",
A grow location represents where you plan to grow crops (field, greenhouse, etc) or graze animals (pasture or paddock).
Create a grow location or plot
The name of your grow location
The type of grow location. Supported options are:
"Field", "Greenhouse", "Grow Room", "Pasture", "Paddock", "Other"
Defaults to Field
layout_type OPTIONAL
How should plantings be managed and calculated. Supported options are:
"Planted in Beds", "Cover Crop", "Row Crops", "Other"
Defaults to Planted in Beds
description OPTIONAL
Text describing the grow location
grazing_rest_days OPTIONAL
If using for grazing, the number of days that the location should be rested between grazings.
internal_id OPTIONAL
Custom internal ID to identify the grow location.
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
light_profile OPTIONAL
Light profile of planting area. Supported options are:
"Full Sun", "Full to Part Sun", "Partial Sun", "Sun to Part Shade", "Partial Shade", "Full Shade"
Size in Acres/Hectares (based on account settings)
Growing status of the grow location. Supported options are:
"Active", "Fallow", "Leased", "Other"
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "description": "",
- "grazing_rest_days": null,
- "internal_id": "B40",
- "layout_type": "Planted in Beds",
- "light_profile": "",
- "size": 100,
- "status": "Active",
- "title": "Back 40",
- "type": "Field"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "description": "",
- "grazing_rest_days": null,
- "internal_id": "B40",
- "layout_type": "Planted in Beds",
- "light_profile": "",
- "size": 40,
- "status": "Active",
- "title": "Back 40",
- "type": "Field"
{- "id": "GUID",
- "copied_from": null,
- "created_at": "2019-01-23 02:56:46",
- "description": "",
- "grazing_rest_days": null,
- "internal_id": "B40",
- "layout_type": "Planted in Beds",
- "light_profile": "",
- "size": 40,
- "status": "Active",
- "title": "Back 40",
- "type": "Field",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-15 20:21:52"
Products represent anything that you want to sell either directly to consumers through Farmbrite's online shop or manually through Farmbrite's order management system. Products keep track of their own available inventory and can be linked to inventory records if you want to have all in-stock inventory available for purchase.
Create a product
Name or title for your product. If listing the product in your online shop, this is the name that your customer will see.
The current status of the product. Supported values are:
'Available', 'Back Ordered', 'Draft', 'Hidden', 'Sold Out', 'Deleted'
available_online OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating if the product is available to purchase online. If set to true
and you have a Farmbrite shop enabled the product will show in your online shop.
category OPTIONAL
A text value for the category your product is listed. These are configured from your account settings page and primarily used for your online shop (if applicable)
delivery_options OPTIONAL
An array of supported deliver options for this product. Available options are:
"Delivery", "Pick up", "Shipped"
description OPTIONAL
Text overview/description of the product. If listing the product in your online shop this is the primary text that your customer will see.
min_order OPTIONAL
An optional numeric value of the minimum amount a customer can can order for this product
A Boolean value to indicate if the product should be displayed ("pinned") at the top of the products for the category type the product belongs to. If multiple products are pinned they are additionally sorted the product title.
A positive numeric value (in you account currency) for the base retail price for this product
qty_remaining OPTIONAL
A positive numeric value indicating the current number of units of this product available for purchase.
A custom ID or SKU to track this product
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
An optional enum value indicating the possible types for this product. Supported values are:
'Custom', 'Product', 'Membership', 'Other'
unit_label OPTIONAL
A string value to provide a friendly label for the units this product is available in. For example "Dozen", "Bushels", etc
wholesale_only OPTIONAL
Boolean flag to indicate that this product is only available to purchase at the whole sale price. If set to true
the product will be excluded from your online shop (if applicable) and can only be added to orders via the Farmbrite admin orders page.
wholesale_price OPTIONAL
An optional positive numeric value (in you account currency) for the wholesale price for this product
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "available_online": true,
- "category": "Spices and Herbs",
- "delivery_options": [
- "Delivery",
- "Pick up",
- "Shipped"
], - "description": "These sachets make wonderful gifts.",
- "min_order": null,
- "pinned": false,
- "price": 4,
- "qty_remaining": 17,
- "sku": "LAV",
- "status": "Available",
- "title": "Lavender sachets",
- "type": "Custom",
- "unit_label": "quantity",
- "wholesale_only": false,
- "wholesale_price": null
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "available_online": true,
- "category": "Spices and Herbs",
- "created_at": "2012-01-02 16:10:17",
- "delivery_options": [
- "Delivery",
- "Pick up",
- "Shipped"
], - "description": "These sachets make wonderful gifts.",
- "min_order": null,
- "pinned": false,
- "price": 4,
- "qty_remaining": 17,
- "sku": "LAV",
- "status": "Available",
- "title": "Lavender sachets",
- "type": "Custom",
- "unit_label": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-04 21:34:57",
- "wholesale_only": false,
- "wholesale_price": null
product_id required | string Example: {{product_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "available_online": true,
- "category": "Spices and Herbs",
- "created_at": "2022-01-02 16:10:17",
- "delivery_options": [
- "Delivery",
- "Pick up",
- "Shipped"
], - "description": "These sachets make wonderful gifts.",
- "min_order": null,
- "pinned": false,
- "price": 4,
- "qty_remaining": 17,
- "sku": "LAV",
- "status": "Available",
- "title": "Lavender sachets",
- "type": "Custom",
- "unit_label": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-04 21:34:57",
- "wholesale_only": false,
- "wholesale_price": null
Orders are a purchase, or a request for purchase of any products. They can be used to track future orders that need to be fulfilled or report on orders from your online shop. Additionally you can use orders to track the fulfillment progress and status to keep an eye on your delivery obligations.
Create an Order
Status of the order. Supported options are:
"Approved", "Cancelled", "Complete", "Delivered", "Draft", "In Progress", "Ordered", "Packing", "Pending Approval", "Picking", "Shipped"
Defaults to Draft
payment_status REQUIRED
Payment status of the order, supported options are:
"Due", "Paid", "Cancelled"
Defaults to Due
order_items OPTIONAL
An array of order items that contain the details for the order, for example:
[{ "description": "Order Item 1", "price": 1.0, "product_id": "Farmbrite Product ID", "qty": 12.0 },{...}]
If passed in the order total will be calculated from the order items.
contact_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite ID for the contact to link the order to
Email address of the customer
first_name OPTIONAL
First name of the customer
last_name OPTIONAL
Last name of the customer
Phone number of the customer
payment_method OPTIONAL
Order payment method. Supported options are:
"Credit Card", "Cash", "Check", "Other"
tax_rate OPTIONAL
Numeric value for the total tax rate (percentage) to apply to the order, if applicable
taxes_amount OPTIONAL
Numeric currency amount for the total tax amount to apply to this order, if applicable
delivery_amount OPTIONAL
Numeric value for the deliver fee if applicable
discount_amount OPTIONAL
Numeric (float) amount of discount if offering discount on total order if applicable
discount_reason OPTIONAL
String describing the reason for the discount
message OPTIONAL
Optional string message from the customer
due_date OPTIONAL
Date that the order is due
order_date OPTIONAL
Date the order was placed or created, defaults to today
invoice_number OPTIONAL
Optional invoice number, leave blank to have the system generate it for you. Must be a unique value.
Optional customer message for this order
Optional internal memo for this order
delivery_type OPTIONAL
Deliver option for this order, supported values are:
'Delivery', 'Pick up', 'Shipped'
pickup_location_id OPTIONAL
The Farmbrite ID for a pickup location for the order
is_admin OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating if this order was a back office order, as opposed to created through your online store front.
po_number OPTIONAL
Optional purchase order (PO) number to include with the order.
picked_up_by OPTIONAL
Optional string value for who picked up the order.
prepared_by OPTIONAL
Optional string value for who prepared the order.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "contact_id": "Farmbrite Contact ID",
- "delivery_amount": 5,
- "delivery_type": "Pick Up",
- "due_date": null,
- "email": "name@email.com",
- "first_name": "Jane",
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "memo": "Internal memo",
- "message": "API order",
- "note": "Customer message",
- "order_date": "2023-05-11",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "description": "Product name or description",
- "price": 1,
- "product_id": "Farmbrite Product ID",
- "qty": 12
], - "payment_method": "Cash",
- "payment_status": "Paid",
- "phone": "(555)867-5309",
- "pickup_location_id": null,
- "po_number": "PO123",
- "status": "Ordered"
{- "success": true,
- "cached": false,
- "message": "",
- "total_records": 151,
- "current_page": 1,
- "limit": 25,
- "total_pages": 7,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "contact_id": "Contact ID",
- "created_at": "2021-07-12 23:25:14",
- "created_by": "User",
- "delivery_amount": 0,
- "delivery_type": "",
- "discount_amount": 0,
- "discount_reason": null,
- "due_date": null,
- "invoice_number": "908b8c4524",
- "is_admin": true,
- "message": null,
- "note": "",
- "order_date": "2021-09-19",
- "order_total": 722.25,
- "payment_method": "",
- "payment_status": "Due",
- "pick_list": null,
- "po_number": null,
- "status": "Ordered",
- "stripe_id": null,
- "tax_rate": null,
- "taxes_amount": 0,
- "updated_at": "2021-09-19 21:43:29"
order_id required | string Example: {{order_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "cart_id": null,
- "charge_subtotal": 0,
- "charge_total": 0,
- "contact_id": "Contact GUID",
- "created_at": "2024-01-08 19:35:05",
- "created_by": "User",
- "delivery_amount": 0,
- "delivery_type": "Delivery",
- "discount_amount": 0,
- "discount_reason": null,
- "due_date": null,
- "email": "example@email.com",
- "first_name": "Jane",
- "invoice_number": "1377",
- "is_admin": true,
- "is_quickpay": false,
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "message": null,
- "note": "",
- "order_date": "2024-01-08",
- "order_total": 6,
- "payment_method": "",
- "payment_status": "Due",
- "phone": "5558675309",
- "pick_list": null,
- "pickup_location_id": null,
- "po_number": "",
- "status": "Ordered",
- "stripe_id": null,
- "tax_rate": null,
- "taxes_amount": 0,
- "updated_at": "2024-01-08 19:53:33",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "description": "Dozen Eggs",
- "is_wholesale": false,
- "price": 6,
- "product_id": "5731e79c38221c4a80000001",
- "qty": 1,
- "total": 12
], - "delivery_address": {
- "city": "Boulder",
- "country": "us",
- "postal": "80301",
- "state": "CO",
- "street": "123 Main St."
}, - "contact": {
- "id": "Contact GUID",
- "cell": null,
- "company": "",
- "description": "",
- "email": "example@email.com",
- "fax": null,
- "first_name": "Jane",
- "label": "",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "phone": "5558675309",
- "type": "Customer"
order_id required | string Example: {{order_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "status": "In Progress",
- "payment_status": "Paid"
Order Items keep track of the details of the order, eg; what products are included. Every order should have order items attached to it. Order items represent the products, amounts and prices for items on the order.
Add an Item to an Order
product_id REQUIRED
Product ID for the order item
Positive numeric value representing the quantity of the product for this order.
Optional numeric (float) value for a custom price. If left blank, the price will default to the product's current retail price. If is_wholesale
is set to true
the price will default to the products wholesale price, if applicable.
is_wholesale OPTIONAL
Optional Boolean value indicating if the system should use the product's wholesale or retail price. Defaults to false
order_id required | string Example: {{order_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "product_id": "{{Product ID}}",
- "qty": 3
order_id required | string Example: {{order_id}} |
{- "success": true,
- "cached": false,
- "message": "",
- "total_records": 1,
- "current_page": 1,
- "limit": 25,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "Order Item ID",
- "created_at": "2022-03-29 15:24:50",
- "description": "",
- "is_wholesale": false,
- "price": 10,
- "product_id": "Product ID",
- "qty": 1,
- "updated_at": "2022-03-29 15:24:50"
order_id required | string Example: {{order_id}} |
order_item_id required | string |
{- "id": "Order Item ID",
- "created_at": "2022-03-29 15:24:50",
- "description": "",
- "is_wholesale": false,
- "price": 10,
- "product_id": "Product ID",
- "qty": 1,
- "updated_at": "2022-03-29 15:24:50"
Schedule items are calendar events. These could be reminders for future appointments or activities that need to be done. They are similar to tasks, but have slightly different properties and are not usually used to track the completion of activities.
They can be assigned to different users in your account and can be associated with different resources, specifically:
You can access and create resource specific items under that resource.
For example[GET] /animals/:animal_id/activities
will fetch the schedule for this animal.
Create a new schedule item
You can create a schedule item at your account level using the /schedule
path or under a supported resource (livestock, grow locations or equipment by using the path /:resource_type/:resource_id/activies
. For example[GET] /animals/:id/activies
will fetch the schedule for this animal.
The name of your schedule item.
start_time REQUIRED
Starting DateTime of your event in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'
format. A value is required if all_day
is set to false
end_time REQUIRED
Ending DateTime of your event in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'
format. A value is required if all_day
is set to false
assigned_to_id OPTIONAL
The ID or email address of the Farmbrite user to assign the item to.
all_day OPTIONAL
Boolean value to indicate the event is all day. Defaults to false
description OPTIONAL
A summary description of the item.
reference_type OPTIONAL
Used to link the item to another resource. Supported values are:
"animal", "equipment", "plant", "location"
When providing a reference_type
, you should also provide a reference_id
. This can also be accomplished by creating the schedule item through its parent resource path. eg; /animals/:animal_id/activies
reference_id OPTIONAL
A Farmbrite ID for the resource type that this record is associated with. This can also be accomplished by creating the schedule item through its parent resource path. eg; /animals/:animal_id/activies
A HEX color value to set the item's color on the calendar or lis view.
latitude OPTIONAL
A latitude value used, with longitude, to tag a certain location on the map.
longitude OPTIONAL
A longitude value used if wanting to tag a certain location on the map.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "title": "Title",
- "description": "",
- "reference_id": "Related Resource ID",
- "reference_type": "Related Resource Type",
- "assigned_to_id": "Farmbrite User ID or Email",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "start_time": "2022-01-01 11:00",
- "end_time": "2022-01-01 11:30"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "period": "Does not repeat",
- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "end_time": "2021-12-26 07:30:00",
- "start_time": "2021-12-26 07:00:00",
- "all_day": true,
- "title": "Delivery Expected from Cow X",
- "send_reminders": false,
- "description": "Delivery Expected",
- "reference_id": "5b6878f638221cadc1000005",
- "reference_type": "animals",
- "created_by": "System User"
{- "id": "GUID",
- "period": "Does not repeat",
- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "checklist": [ ],
- "title": "Appointment",
- "start_time": "2022-01-08 00:00:00",
- "end_time": "2022-01-08 00:00:00",
- "all_day": false,
- "description": "",
- "reference_type": "animals",
- "reference_id": "animal id",
- "todo": false,
- "priority": null,
- "created_by": "User",
- "created_by_id": "User ID",
- "complete": false,
- "updated_at": "2022-01-07 01:54:32",
- "created_at": "2022-01-07 01:54:32"
Tasks are used to track things in Farmbrite that need to be done on your farm They can be assigned to different users in your account and can be associated to different resources (using the reference_type
and reference_id
They can be assigned to different users in your account and can be associated with different resources, specifically:
You can access and create resource specific items under that resource.
For example[GET] /animals/:animal_id/tasks
will fetch the tasks for this animal.
Additionally, you can filter tasks by the email address of the user assigned to the task (or checklist item). Just pass in ?assigned_to_email=name@email.com
to the List Tasks endpoint
Create a new task
You can create a task at your account level using the /tasks
path or under a supported resource (livestock, grow locations or equipment by using the path /:resource_type/:resource_id/tasks
. For example[GET] /animals/:id/tasks
will fetch the tasks for this animal.
The name of your task.
end_time OPTIONAL
Due DateTime of your task in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'
assigned_to_id OPTIONAL
The ID or email address of the Farmbrite user to assign the item to.
description OPTIONAL
A summary description of the item.
reference_type OPTIONAL
Used to link the item to another resource. Supported values are:
"animal", "equipment", "plant", "location", "planting"
When providing a reference_type
, you should also provide a reference_id
. This can also be accomplished by creating the schedule item through its parent resource path. eg; /animals/:animal_id/tasks
reference_id OPTIONAL
A Farmbrite ID for the resource type that this record is associated with. This can also be accomplished by creating the schedule item through its parent resource path. eg; /animals/:animal_id/tasks
The status of the item. Options are determined by your account settings. See our help and documentation center for more information.
complete OPTIONAL
Boolean value that indicates whether the task is complete or not.
A HEX color value to set the item's color on the calendar or lis view.
checklist OPTIONAL
An array of hashes (JSON format) representing a list of items to complete in the following format:
[ {"name": "Item 1", "assignee": "(Optional) user_id assigned to", "done": true }, ... ]
priority OPTIONAL
A numeric value between 1 and 5 representing the items priority.
{5 = "Highest", 4 = "High", 3 = "Medium", 2 = "Low", 1 = "Lowest"}
hours_spent OPTIONAL
A numeric (float) value used to track the amount of time spent on the task.
latitude OPTIONAL
A latitude value, with longitude, to tag a certain location on the map.
longitude OPTIONAL
A longitude value used if wanting to tag a certain location on the map.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "checklist": [
- {
- "name": "Item"
], - "title": "Hi Chris New Task for you",
- "description": "",
- "assigned_to_id": "Farmbrite User ID or Email",
- "priority": 3,
- "status": "To Do",
- "end_time": "2022-04-01 11:30"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "period": "Does not repeat",
- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "checklist": [
- {
- "name": "Item 1",
- "done": true
}, - {
- "name": "Item 2",
- "done": false
], - "title": "Task Title",
- "description": "Task Details",
- "reference_id": "",
- "reference_type": "",
- "assigned_to_id": "User ID",
- "priority": 3,
- "status": "To Do",
- "hours_spent": null,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "frequency": 1,
- "todo": true,
- "created_by": "User",
- "created_by_id": "User Id",
- "complete": false,
- "updated_at": "2021-12-21 19:56:23",
- "created_at": "2021-12-21 19:56:23"
task_id required | string Example: {{task_id}} |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "period": "Does not repeat",
- "color": "#bdbdbd",
- "checklist": [
- {
- "name": "Item 1",
- "done": true
}, - {
- "name": "Item 2",
- "done": false
], - "title": "Task Title",
- "description": "Task Details",
- "reference_id": "",
- "reference_type": "",
- "assigned_to_id": "User ID",
- "priority": 3,
- "status": "To Do",
- "hours_spent": null,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null,
- "frequency": 1,
- "todo": true,
- "created_by": "User",
- "created_by_id": "User Id",
- "complete": false,
- "updated_at": "2021-12-21 19:56:23",
- "created_at": "2021-12-21 19:56:23"
task_id required | string Example: {{task_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "title": "Updated Task Title",
- "description": "Description"
Equipment records can be used to keep track of any type of tool, machinery, utility location (wash station) or equipment that you want to store notes, photos, files and track maintenance and service records on. For example you could easily track cleaning and sanitization history for organic certification by creating an equipment record for a washing station.
Create equipment
The name or label for this piece of equipment
Numeric value representing the amount paid for the equipment, in the currency of your account.
Brand of equipment
date_purchased OPTIONAL
Date purchased
description OPTIONAL
Text description / summary of the equipment
Engine type (if applicable)
manual_url OPTIONAL
A valid web address / URL for the service manual
model_number OPTIONAL
Model number
plate_number OPTIONAL
License plate number (if applicable)
purchased OPTIONAL
Boolean value indicating if the item was purchased or not
serial_number OPTIONAL
Serial number
electronic_id OPTIONAL
Electronic ID - useful to set if using an RFID or barcode scanner to search for for sync data with Farmbrite.
transmission OPTIONAL
Transmission type (if applicable)
Any string representing the type of equipment. For example: Tractor, harvester, cleaning station, feeder, etc.
usage_unit OPTIONAL
How do you track the usage of this equipment. Supported options are:
"Hours", "Miles", "Kilometers"
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "amount": 28900,
- "brand": "Kubato",
- "date_purchased": "2018-12-19",
- "description": "Orange",
- "engine": "Kubato",
- "manual_url": "",
- "model_number": "M6060",
- "name": "Big Orange",
- "plate_number": "NA",
- "purchased": false,
- "serial_number": "kjhfsdhu6546871",
- "transmission": "Kubato",
- "type": "Tractor",
- "usage_unit": "Hours"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 0,
- "brand": "Kubato",
- "contact_id": "Conact ID",
- "created_at": "2016-11-21 23:59:12",
- "date_purchased": "2018-12-19",
- "description": "Orange",
- "engine": "Kubato",
- "manual_url": "",
- "mileage": 999,
- "model_number": "M6060",
- "name": "Big Orange",
- "plate_number": "NA",
- "purchased": false,
- "serial_number": "kjhfsdhu6546871",
- "transmission": "Kubato",
- "type": "Tractor",
- "updated_at": "2019-04-06 18:36:19",
- "usage_unit": "Hours"
{- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 0,
- "brand": "Kubato",
- "contact_id": "Conact ID",
- "created_at": "2016-11-21 23:59:12",
- "date_purchased": "2018-12-19",
- "description": "Orange",
- "engine": "Kubato",
- "manual_url": "",
- "mileage": 999,
- "model_number": "M6060",
- "name": "Big Orange",
- "plate_number": "NA",
- "purchased": false,
- "serial_number": "kjhfsdhu6546871",
- "transmission": "Kubato",
- "type": "Tractor",
- "updated_at": "2019-04-06 18:36:19",
- "usage_unit": "Hours"
Equipment services are used to track maintenance that is performed on an equipment record. This could be anything from an oil change for a tractor to cleaning and sanitization for a washing station.
Create an equipment service record
Numeric value for the cost of the service, in the currency of your account.
Date of the service. Defaults to today
description OPTIONAL
Text description or summary of the service performed
keywords OPTIONAL
Comma delimited list of keywords, tags, or labels to allow easier searching for specific types of services.
performed_by OPTIONAL
String value for the service technician or facility that completed the work
Type of service performed. Supported options are:
"Air filter", "Battery fluid", "Battery - replacement", "Belts", "Brake fluid", "Brakes", "Cleaning", "Coolant", "Diesel filter", "Drivetrain", "Engine - major", "Engine oil", "Equipment service", "Fan", "Fan belt", "Fuel filter", "Fluids - other", "Hydraulic fluid", "Hydraulic pump", "Inspection", "Lubricant", "Sanitizing", "Seals", "Oil Filter", "Tire pressure", "Tires", "Transmission fluid", "Transmission - major", "Warranty", "Wheels", "Other"
The current amount of usage (in the equipment usage_unit
) as of the time of the service.
tool_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "cost": null,
- "date": "2022-01-24",
- "description": "Maintenance Check",
- "keywords": null,
- "performed_by": "Service Center",
- "type": "Other",
- "usage": null
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "cost": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-01-24 15:30:43",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-01-24",
- "description": "Maintenance Check",
- "keywords": "",
- "performed_by": "Service Center",
- "type": "",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-24 15:30:43",
- "usage": 867
tool_id required | string |
service_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "cost": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-01-24 15:30:43",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-01-24",
- "description": "Maintenance Check",
- "keywords": "",
- "performed_by": "Service Center",
- "type": "",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-24 15:30:43",
- "usage": 867
tool_id required | string |
service_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "serial_number": "867-5309"
Transactions are basic financial accounting records used to track and report on the profitability of your operation. They can be associated with various resources in orders to see the ROI return in investment (ROI) for certain animals or crop types. Transactions can only be accessed via the API by users assigned an Admin role in your account.
Create an accounting transaction
A value to indicate if the transaction is an income (revenue) or expense transaction. Supported values are:
"Expense", "Income"
A positive numeric value (in your account currency) representing the transaction amount.
The date of the transaction
A string representing the vendor or payee for the transaction
category OPTIONAL
Either a custom string value to represent the category of the transaction or the IRS Schedule F code/link number. If using the schedule F items, supported values are the keys listed below:
Expense Categories:
Key | Category |
10 | Car and truck expenses |
11 | Chemicals |
12 | Conservation expenses |
13 | Custom hire (machine work) |
14 | Depreciation |
15 | Employee benefit programs |
16 | Feed |
17 | Fertilizers and lime |
18 | Freight and trucking |
19 | Gasoline, fuel, and oil |
20 | Insurance (other than health) |
21a | Interest Mortgage (paid to banks, etc.) |
21b | Interest Other |
22 | Labor hired (less employment credits) |
23 | Pension and profit-sharing plans" |
32a | Purchase of livestock" |
24a | Rent or Lease of Vehicles, machinery, equipment |
24b | Rent or Lease of Other (land, animals, etc.) |
25 | Repairs and maintenance |
26 | Seeds and plants |
27 | Storage and warehousing |
28 | Supplies |
29 | Taxes |
30 | Utilities |
31 | Veterinary, breeding, and medicine |
32 | Other expenses |
Income Categories:
Key | Category |
1a | Sales of livestock and other resale items |
1b | Cost or other basis of livestock |
2 | Sales of livestock, produce, grains, and other products you raised |
3a | Cooperative distributions |
4a | Agricultural program payments |
5a | Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans reported under election |
5b | CCC loans forfeited |
6 | Crop insurance proceeds and federal crop disaster payments |
7 | Custom hire (machine work) income |
8 | Other income |
The Farmbrite record id to associate this transaction to, used with the ref_type
ref_type OPTIONAL
A value used with the ref_id
property to associate this transaction to a record in Farmbrite. Support values are:
"animal", "equipment", "plant", "location"
check_number OPTIONAL
Optional text containing the check number or other payment identifier
keywords OPTIONAL
A comma delimited list of keywords, tags, or labels to easily search for similar transactions.
description OPTIONAL
A text description or summary of the transaction.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "type": "Expense",
- "amount": 10,
- "date": "2022-02-03",
- "vendor": "API",
- "category": "Custom",
- "ref_id": "Related Resource ID",
- "ref_type": "Related Resource Type",
- "check_number": "",
- "keywords": "",
- "description": ""
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 25,
- "category": "SCHUDULE F # OR CUSTOM",
- "check_number": null,
- "date": "2022-03-16",
- "description": "",
- "keywords": null,
- "ref_id": "",
- "ref_type": "",
- "reporting_year": null,
- "type": "Expense",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-16 15:34:31",
- "vendor": "John's Feed",
- "year": 2022
transaction_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": 25,
- "category": "SCHUDULE F # OR CUSTOM",
- "check_number": null,
- "date": "2022-03-16",
- "description": "",
- "keywords": null,
- "ref_id": "",
- "ref_type": "",
- "reporting_year": null,
- "type": "Expense",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-16 15:34:31",
- "vendor": "John's Feed",
- "year": 2022
transaction_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "type": "Expense",
- "amount": 10,
- "vendor": "Updated"
Treatments are embedded resources that are used by a variety of core resources. Specifically, you can access treatments for resources:
To create or access treatments for a record, simply append '/treatments' to the end of the resource path. For example: [GET] /animals/:animal_id/treatments will fetch the records for this animal.
Create a treatment record
The type of treatment performed. These varies by resource type, but custom values can be supplied as well.
For livestock, support options are:
"Alternative Therapy", "Artificial Insemination", "Branding", "Castration", "Dehorning", "Dental Procedure", "Deworming", "Ear Notching", "Euthanasia", "Grooming", "Hoof Trim", "Medication", "Mites", "Parasite Treatment", "Surgical Procedure", "Tagging", "Tattoo", "Vaccination", "Other Procedure"
For plantings and grow locations, supported options are:
The date of the treatment, defaults to today
An optional string representing the amount/quantity used. For example: 50ml
Batch information for the product used in the treatment (if applicable)
A positive numeric value (in your account currency) representing the cost of the treatment
description OPTIONAL
Details or summary of the treatment provided
keywords OPTIONAL
A comma-delimited string of keywords, tags or labels used to find similar treatments
The method of application of the treatment performed. These vary by resource type, but custom values can be supplied as well.
For livestock, support options are:
"Intramuscular (in the muscle)", "Intramammary (in the udder)", "Intrauterine (in the uterus)", "Intravenous (in the vein)", "Oral (in the mouth)", "Subcutaneous (under the skin)", "Topical (on the skin)", "Other"
For plantings and grow locations, supported options are:
"Granules", "Spray", "Other"
product OPTIONAL
The name of the product used (if applicable)
retreat_date OPTIONAL
An optional date for when to retreat or provide a booster if required.
The location that the treatment was applied. These varies by resource type, but custom values can be supplied as well.
For livestock, support options are:
"Rump", "Flank", "Neck"
For plantings and grow locations, supported options are:
"Leaf", "Seed", "Soil"
technician OPTIONAL
Details or name of the technician or company that performed the treatment.
withdrawal_date OPTIONAL
An optional date for when to the crop or livestock will be safe to harvest after the treatment. Typically used for compliance and food safety requirements for meat or milk production after certain medication or treatments.
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "amount": "2-mL",
- "batch": "123",
- "cost": 0,
- "date": "2022-02-02",
- "description": "First dose",
- "keywords": "",
- "mode": "Intramuscular (in the muscle)",
- "product": "BRSV Vaccine",
- "retreat_date": "2022-03-02",
- "site": "",
- "technician": "",
- "type": "Vaccination",
- "withdrawal_date": null
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": "2-mL",
- "batch": "123",
- "cost": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-02-02 15:23:18",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-02-02",
- "description": "",
- "keywords": "",
- "mode": "Intramuscular (in the muscle)",
- "product": "BRSV Vaccine",
- "retreat_date": null,
- "record_type": "animal",
- "record_id": "65a720572ba8ef1844234a57",
- "record_name": "Animal Name - breed [tag_number]",
- "site": "",
- "technician": "",
- "type": "Vaccination",
- "updated_at": "2022-02-02 15:23:18",
- "withdrawal_date": null
resource_name required | string Example: {{resource_name}} |
resource_id required | string Example: {{resource_id}} |
treatment_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "amount": "",
- "batch": "123",
- "cost": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-02-02 15:23:18",
- "created_by": "User",
- "date": "2022-02-02",
- "description": "",
- "keywords": "",
- "mode": "Intramuscular (in the muscle)",
- "product": "BRSV Vaccine",
- "retreat_date": null,
- "record_type": "animal",
- "record_id": "65a720572ba8ef1844234a57",
- "record_name": "Animal Name - breed [tag_number]",
- "site": "",
- "technician": "",
- "type": "Vaccination",
- "updated_at": "2022-02-02 15:23:18",
- "withdrawal_date": null
resource_name required | string |
resource_id required | string |
treatment_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "description": "Updated Record"
A warehouse represents any storage location you want to keep track of inventory. This can be a silo, garage, barn, walk-in cooler, warehouse or other similar storage location.
Create a warehouse / storage location
The name or primary label for your warehouse or storage location
internal_id OPTIONAL
Custom ID you use to identify this record
track_capabity OPTIONAL
Boolean value to determine if the warehouse tracks different shelves or bins to store different items OR is treated as a single container like a tank or silo.
If enabled, retrieving a warehouse will include its current amount available.
capacity OPTIONAL
If tracking capcity in the warehouse (not bins) - a numeric value to determine the total storage amount available based on unit.
If tracking capcity in the warehouse, the unit used for inventory is stored.
"Bales", "Barrels", "Bunches", "Bushels", "Dozen", "Fluid Ounces", "Gallons", "Grams", "Head", "Kilograms", "Kiloliter", "Liter", "Milliliter", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Quantity", "Quarts", "Tonnes", "Tons"
Defaults to Quantity
description OPTIONAL
Text description or summary of the warehouse. Can be used to communicate location or other identification information to your team members.
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "description": "Alien warehouse",
- "internal_id": "A51",
- "name": "Area 51",
- "track_capacity": false,
- "capacity": 0,
- "unit": null
{- "id": "GUID",
- "bins": [
- {
- "id": "Bin ID",
- "capacity": 50,
- "created_at": "2020-12-27 00:14:21",
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "chicken-feed",
- "name": "Chicken Feed",
- "unit": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2023-08-04 17:15:45"
], - "capacity": 1000,
- "created_at": "2020-12-27 00:12:53",
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "s42",
- "name": "Silo 42",
- "track_capacity": true,
- "unit": "pounds",
- "updated_at": "2023-10-24 17:08:00",
- "total_qty": 10171
A warehouse bin is an optional property of a warehouse. You can think of a bin as a dedicated storage location within a storage location (warehouse) where you want to explicitly track inventory details. This could be a shelf, rack, bin, box, tub, etc.
Create a warehouse bin
The name or primary label you want to use to identify this bin
capacity OPTIONAL
Numeric value of the total amount that can be stored this the bin, in the unit
of the bin
description OPTIONAL
Text description or summary of the bin. This can be useful to communicate the location or other important details to team members.
internal_id OPTIONAL
A customer or internal ID that you use to track this bin.
The unit used for inventory is stored in this bin.
"Bales", "Barrels", "Bunches", "Bushels", "Dozen", "Fluid Ounces", "Gallons", "Grams", "Head", "Kilograms", "Kiloliter", "Liter", "Milliliter", "Ounces", "Pounds", "Quantity", "Quarts", "Tonnes", "Tons"
Defaults to Quantity
warehouse_id required | string Example: {{warehouse_id}} |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "capacity": 100,
- "description": "Bin for API tests",
- "internal_id": "api",
- "name": "API Bin",
- "unit": "tons"
warehouse_id required | string Example: {{warehouse_id}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "GUID",
- "capacity": 500,
- "created_at": "2022-02-27 00:14:21",
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "lav",
- "name": "Lavender",
- "unit": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-02-27 00:14:21"
warehouse_id required | string Example: {{warehouse_id}} |
bin_id required | string |
{- "id": "GUID",
- "capacity": 99,
- "created_at": "2022-01-20 23:30:15",
- "description": "",
- "internal_id": "empty",
- "name": "Empty Bin",
- "unit": "quantity",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-18 20:09:39"
warehouse_id required | string Example: {{warehouse_id}} |
bin_id required | string |
Content-Type | string Example: application/json |
{- "capacity": 99